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A dry run using the RTVPatch console program

This is the output given by the RTVPatch.exe program in console mode, running under Windows2000. Linux mode will be similar, but the PhysicalDriveX labels will be /dev/hdX instead.

This was posted by on AVS Forum by toots

        ***** RTVPatch, built on Dec 22 2000, 16:58:43
        The system contains the following disks:
        0 \\.\PhysicalDrive0, 20GB, ReplayTV Disk, NEEDS TO BE PATCHED
        1 \\.\PhysicalDrive1, 15GB, NOT a ReplayTV Disk, NEEDS TO BE PATCHED
        3 \\.\PhysicalDrive3, 9GB, May be PC Disk
        4 \\.\PhysicalDrive4, 9GB, May be PC Disk
        5 \\.\PhysicalDrive5, 1GB, May be PC Disk
        6 \\.\PhysicalDrive6, 4GB, May be PC Disk
        7 \\.\PhysicalDrive7, 4GB, May be PC Disk
        8 \\.\PhysicalDrive8, 18GB, May be PC Disk
        i Show disks INFO
        s Set SOURCE disk (currently not set)
        t Set TARGET disk (currently not set)
        m MIRROR the first partition (system)
        2 MIRROR the second partition (shows)
        p PATCH target disk (currently not set)
        x EXIT
        Enter Command: s
        The system contains the following disks:
        0 \\.\PhysicalDrive0, 20GB, ReplayTV Disk, NEEDS TO BE PATCHED
        1 \\.\PhysicalDrive1, 15GB, NOT a ReplayTV Disk, NEEDS TO BE PATCHED
        3 \\.\PhysicalDrive3, 9GB, May be PC Disk
        4 \\.\PhysicalDrive4, 9GB, May be PC Disk
        5 \\.\PhysicalDrive5, 1GB, May be PC Disk
        6 \\.\PhysicalDrive6, 4GB, May be PC Disk
        7 \\.\PhysicalDrive7, 4GB, May be PC Disk
        8 \\.\PhysicalDrive8, 18GB, May be PC Disk
        Select a disk from above (0-16): 0
        i Show disks INFO
        s Set SOURCE disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive0)
        t Set TARGET disk (currently not set)
        m MIRROR the first partition (system)
        2 MIRROR the second partition (shows)
        p PATCH target disk (currently not set)
        x EXIT
        Enter Command: t
        The system contains the following disks:
        0 \\.\PhysicalDrive0, 20GB, ReplayTV Disk, NEEDS TO BE PATCHED
        1 \\.\PhysicalDrive1, 15GB, NOT a ReplayTV Disk, NEEDS TO BE PATCHED
        3 \\.\PhysicalDrive3, 9GB, May be PC Disk
        4 \\.\PhysicalDrive4, 9GB, May be PC Disk
        5 \\.\PhysicalDrive5, 1GB, May be PC Disk
        6 \\.\PhysicalDrive6, 4GB, May be PC Disk
        7 \\.\PhysicalDrive7, 4GB, May be PC Disk
        8 \\.\PhysicalDrive8, 18GB, May be PC Disk
        Select a disk from above (0-16): 1
        i Show disks INFO
        s Set SOURCE disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive0)
        t Set TARGET disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
        m MIRROR the first partition (system)
        2 MIRROR the second partition (shows)
        p PATCH target disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
        x EXIT
        Enter Command: m
        *** WARNING: Source disk is BIGGER THAN Target disk.
        *** Do you really want to proceed (y/n)? y
        *** CONFIRM: You are about to mirror disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 to disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1.
        THIS WILL DESTROY ALL DATA ON DISK \\.\PhysicalDrive1!
        *** Do you really want to proceed (y/n)? y
        ***** COPYING 1st Partition *****
        Copying 618498 blocks (302MB), # = 10MB
        ***** COPY COMPLETE *****
        Press ENTER to continue...
        i Show disks INFO
        s Set SOURCE disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive0)
        t Set TARGET disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
        m MIRROR the first partition (system)
        2 MIRROR the second partition (shows)
        p PATCH target disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
        x EXIT
        Enter Command: p
        *** CONFIRM: You are about to patch disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1.
        *** Do you really want to proceed (y/n)? y
        ***** PATCHING DISK *****
        ** Do you want to zero out the beginning of the second partition?
        ** This might take a while but increases the chance that the patch works
        ** the first time.
        ** Say no here, if you want to try to preserve your shows.
        ** (y/n) y
        ***** Patching partition block...
        Partition 1 size is 614400 (0x96000) blocks.
        Partition 2 will be 29395018 (0x1c0884a) blocks.
        ***** Clearing volume sequence block...
        ***** Reading signature and FAT blocks...
        ***** Zeroing out beginning of second partition...
        ***** Patching signature and FAT blocks...
        Number of clusters is 0xe044.
        CRC is 0x2eb4
        XOR byte is 0x02
        ***** PATCH COMPLETE *****
        Press ENTER to continue...
        i Show disks INFO
        s Set SOURCE disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive0)
        t Set TARGET disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
        m MIRROR the first partition (system)
        2 MIRROR the second partition (shows)
        p PATCH target disk (currently \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
        x EXIT
        Enter Command: x