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How to use the patch utility

The RTVpatch utility comes in several forms:

The operation of the utilities are similar:

  1. Install both hard drives (your original ReplayTV drive and your new drive) in your PC.
  2. Boot the operating system and run the patch utility
  3. Identify the original ReplayTV drive
  4. Identify the new hard drive
  5. Instruct the utility to copy the first partition to the new drive
  6. Optionally, instruct the utiilty to copy the second partition to the new drive.  If all goes well, this will preserve your recorded programs
  7. Run the "Patch" option to resize the second partition to make use of all free space on your new hard drive
  8. Shut down, deinstall the hard drives, install the new drive in your ReplayTV and power it up!
It is highly recommended that you run a low-level format test on your new hard drive before you start the upgrade procedure. This requires that you download a utility program from your hard drive manufacturer. Maxtor and Quantum (now part of Maxtor) have PowerMax, and Western Digital has Data Lifeguard Diagnostics. Follow the instructions for the utility program, and then run the destructive low-level format option. This will help map out any bad sectors on the drive.

Detailed step-by-step upgrade procedures:

The latest sources, boot floppy images, and executables are available through SourceForge RTVPatch Downloads

Info for mounting a second hard drive in your ReplayTV:

  • LizardBoy's dual-upgrade description (no drilling required -- recommended!)
  • Pictures of 2 drives mounted in a ReplayTV (seanriddle and japi)
  • More pictures of a mounting method for two drives (l8er)
  • It is also possible to move 2 posts like l8er describes, and then use the top of the original disk enclosure as a holder for the second drive. You may want to put some padding between the circuit board and the enclosure to help support the free side that hangs over the circuit board. See ransome's pictures or LizardBoy's description (above) for a full description.
  • Standoff search at Jameco Electronics.
Here are copies of the various posts on AVS Forum describing the upgrade method. Note that these are just copies of old posts in AVS Forum, and they have not been kept up-to-date with the changes that have been made to the rtvpatch utility. They are included here mainly for historical perspective, and for additional information. The recommended procedure to follow is one of the 4 step-by-step precedures listed above.